sports Massage In Essendon, Melbourne VIC 3040

Upside Health & Movement

Are you wanting optimal sporting performance?

Sports Massage is the way to go!

Sports massage is a manual therapy designed to help athletes and active individuals prepare for and recover from physical activity. It involves using specific techniques and pressure to improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and increase flexibility.

Pre-Event Massage Benefits

Getting a sports massage before an event can offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved circulation: Increase blood flow to the muscles, which can help reduce muscle soreness and improve performance.

  • Reduced muscle tension: Helps to loosen tight muscles and reduce muscle tension, which can help athletes feel more relaxed and ready to perform.

  • Increased range of motion: Sports massage can help increase flexibility and range of motion, which can help athletes move more freely and reduce the risk of injury.

  • Enhanced mental focus: Sports massage can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a state of mental focus and relaxation that can help athletes perform at their best.

  • Faster recovery: Sports massage can help improve muscle recovery time by reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and reducing muscle soreness.

Post-Event Massage Benefits

Getting a sports massage after an event can offer several benefits, including:

  • Reduced muscle soreness: Sports massage can help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness after physical activity, which can help athletes recover faster and get back to their regular training routine.

  • Improved circulation: Sports massage can help improve blood flow and circulation to the muscles, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

  • Enhanced muscle recovery: Sports massage can help increase the rate of muscle recovery by increasing the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

  • Improved flexibility: Sports massage can help reduce muscle tension and increase flexibility, which can help athletes prevent injury and improve overall performance.

  • Promotes relaxation: Sports massage can help promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood, which can be especially important for athletes who are under a lot of physical and mental stress.